With over 150 years of excellence, we provide a supportive education for students from early childhood through 8th grade, preparing them for future success.
1304 Alpine Church Rd NW, Comstock Park, MI 49321
Pope Francis published the first Vatican document about sports: “Giving the best of yourself: a Document on the Christian perspective on sport and the human person, from the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, 01.06.2018. It states that "When sport is lived in a way that respects the dignity of the person and is free from economic, media or political exploitation, it can become a model for all areas of life. “When it is like this,” as Pope Francis said, “sport transcends the level of pure physicality and takes us into the arena of the spirit and even of mystery.” To educate in a Christian way is to form people in human values in the whole of reality, which includes transcendence. The profound meaning of sport is that it can educate to the fullness of life and an openness to the experience of transcendence."
Sport is also a way to introduce young people to the cardinal virtues of fortitude, temperance, prudence and justice and facilitate their growth in them. In the field of physical education, St. John Bosco, who was just a youth chaplain in Turin in 1847, was probably the first Catholic educator to have recognized the importance of movement, play and sport for the holistic development of the personality of young people. For Don Bosco, educating through sport means to cultivate the personal accompaniment of the young person as well as mutual respect, even in competition.
Holy Trinity School is an active member of the Grand Rapids Area Catholic Elementary Council (GRACEAC). This is the governing agent of all interscholastic athletic programs participated in by members of the Catholic elementary schools in the Grand Rapids area. Some Christian based schools are now a part of this league as well.
Athletics Minutes from the last meeting:
The athletic program of Holy Trinity complements the home, church and school in developing the child as a whole person. The goal is to shape the individual in all areas of life: spiritual, social, intellectual and physical.
The primary goal is the development of student athletes who genuinely display the Christian qualities of good sportsmanship and fair play in every aspect of life. The focus is to teach teamwork, and the ability to win and lose in the spirit of good sportsmanship.
All coaches must go through a one time Virtus Protecting God's Children training and complete a background check. Coaches also need to take an on-line concussion training. All to ensure the safety of all students on and off the court.
Athletic Director: Jeff North
Booster President: Brian Michael
Secretary: Peggy Blaszak
Treasurer: Jeff Momber
Concessions Coordinator: Lisa Michael
Game Day Coordinator: OPEN
Equipment and Uniform Coordinator: Nichole Weatherhead
Spirit Wear Coordinator: Brian Michael
The Athletic Department has purchased spirit wear (shirts, sweatshirts and sweatpants), coffee mugs, water bottles and pom poms that are sold at all home games. A display of the items is located in the trophy case across from the concession window.
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Office Hours:
Monday - Friday:
7am - 3pm
Hours may vary
1304 Alpine Church Rd
Comstock Park, MI 49321
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