With over 150 years of excellence, we provide a supportive education for students from early childhood through 8th grade, preparing them for future success.
1304 Alpine Church Rd NW, Comstock Park, MI 49321
Educating this community for over 150 years. Serving students in early education
(including daycare) -8th grade.
As a faith community, grades K-8 attend weekly Mass and students learn leadership skills by participating in reading, singing, and altar serving.
Faith is a part of every subject in the Holy Trinity curriculum; students pray daily, prepare for and receive Sacraments, and take active roles in parish life. We strive to be of service to others and students are required to perform service hours each year to benefit those in need in the local, national and global community.
Holy Trinity offers a preschool through 8th grade program, which is guided by our mission of faith formation, academic excellence, and service to others.
Faith formation is the cornerstone to all programs at Holy Trinity. Students learn to know, love, and serve God and others through various learning opportunities and experiences. The Grand Rapids Elementary School Diocesan curriculum for Holy Trinity School, both elementary and junior high, is academically challenging all in core subjects. Our experienced and creative teachers consistently enhance the learning development of our students by adding events and activities that make each grade special and memorable.
A safe and structured environment is offered before and after school to Holy Trinity families enrolled in one of its programs. Daily opportunities to play, grow, and learn in our Great Start to Quality, State of Michigan licensed childcare center.
The sports program at Holy Trinity School is well-organized for interested students in grades 5-8. The school Athletic Board works with the Athletic Director to coordinate the programs.
Students in grades 5-8 are eligible to join the school band. Band members participate in two band concerts during the school year. Reach out to us today for more information.
Students in grade 6-8 can join the School Olympiad team at Holy Trinity School. Our Science Olympiad coach helps the students to prepare for the regional science competition. Our team earned 9 medals in this year's competition and we were the only Catholic school to participate. We are very proud of their hard work and diligence!
2055 28th St., SE Ste. 18,
Grand Rapids, MI 49508
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Have a great day!
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Office Hours:
Monday - Friday:
7am - 3pm
Hours may vary
1304 Alpine Church Rd
Comstock Park, MI 49321
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